Our Social Outreach Initiative

Do you represent a state-funded school in Greater London and recognise students who could have a successful career in the publishing world?

Capital Crime is proud to call London its home. Capital Crime founder David Headley and Festival Director, Lizzie Curle, are aware that many talented London students may not realise that a career as an author or working in publishing is a realistic goal, and for that reason, we created the Capital Crime Social Outreach Initiative.

We invite ten state-funded schools in and around the capital to select two sixth-form students with some interest and ability in creative writing.  We ask those 20 students and their teachers to attend a seminar evening in Central London, where they have the opportunity to hear from authors and publishing professionals and understand how they might be able to pursue careers in writing or publishing.

Those 20 students are also given complimentary day passes to attend Capital Crime Festival with full access to all the panels and the opportunity to meet established authors and publishing professionals.

We hope it’s experience and exposure that will help broaden the mind and attract new and diverse voices to publishing.

If you represent a state-funded school in the Greater London area and would like to be considered for the programme, please email us.